9. Godfrey Mukalzi

Sponsor Club: Uganda, District 9200

After completing a Bachelor of Arts in social science from Makerere University in Uganda, Godfrey became a trainer in Peace Building with Borrow a youth friends of young people program in Kampala, Uganda. In this program Godfrey has facilitated workshops for young people in order to promote peace in the North Eastern part of Uganda. Speaking Kiswahili and Luganda as well as English has helped him developed his expertise in the areas of peace and conflict management.

He hopes to work as a diplomat, advocating for peace through preventive diplomacy in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Gofrey has just returned from his internship in Durban – South Africa where he has been for the last three months. He was working with the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Conflicts (ACCORD) as a research assistance tracking and reporting on conflict situations in East and Central Africa.