The University of Queensland's Rotary Peace Centre is part of a global program to advance research, teaching, practical training and knowledge on issues of international relations, conflict resolution and peace-building. It offers a tailored Master's Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies, aimed at potential world and community leaders, designed to have a practical effect on peacebuilding and addressing international and regional conflicts. The Rotary Foundation’s decision to establish this unique program at The University of Queensland is recognition of the outstanding reputation of postgraduate programs in peace and conflict studies within the School of Political Science and International Studies.
The Centre is one of only six worldwide, the others are housed at:
- Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA
- International Christian University, Tokyo Japan,
- University of Bradford, West Yorkshire England
- Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden
- Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand (Professional Development Centre)
Each year the Rotary Peace Fellows commence an 18-month program of study within the School. Fellows are selected from countries and cultures around the globe based on their potential as leaders in government, business, education, media and other professional areas.
The Rotary Fellowships are fully funded to pay fees, living and travel expenses and a three month Applied Field Experience. Toward the end of their studies the Fellows, with support from school staff, host a full day seminar for Rotarians, community groups and the wider staff and student community at UQ.
This program continues to deliver innovative and cutting-edge teaching and research in these fields. In recognition of its achievements, the UQ Rotary Centre received an award for its contribution to ‘Internationalization’ from the Queensland Education and Training Industry in 2007. The Masters of Peace and Conflict studies program underwent a major review in 2015 to update and revise the curriculum, to ensure we deliver world-class, cutting edge education in the field.