Class XVI (2018-2019)

1. Morgan Marks

Sponsor Club: 7430

Host Club: Rotary Club of Brisbane 9600 

Local Rotary Club: Doylestown, Pennsylvania


Morgan hails from the USA, and was most recently living Montana, where she worked with the Montana Registered Apprenticeship Program towards the promotion of inclusion and equity for vulnerable populations of people: women and American Indians. She brings with her a Master of Arts in International Human Rights with a Certificate of Humanitarian Assistance, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Government. She lived and worked abroad with the United States Peace Corps in Zambia for 27 months as a Rural Aquaculture Extension Volunteer and served two ten month terms with national service programs under the umbrella of AmeriCorps, one in inner city Philadelphia with City Year Greater Philadelphia and the other in rural Montana with the Montana Conservation Corps. She believes in service work and that time is the greatest gift she can give another. Morgan has had the privilege to be on both sides of leadership development programs, as both a teacher and a learner, but believes that she is always learning. She knows certain things to be true: her passion for mediation and bringing people together, her belief that peace is possible and that through dialogue, participatory facilitation, empowerment, and listening, conflict can be resolved without war and without violence. She is committed to bridging gaps, working to find common ground, and towards the work of peace. Morgan’s areas of focus are: Equity and Inclusion, Indigenous Populations, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Mediation. She applied three times for this opportunity, believing that the third time was the charm, as they say, and is incredibly humbled for the opportunity to be studying at the University of Queensland with such strong support from her home Rotary district.