Class XXI (2023-2024)

7. Emilia Portis

Emilia Portis is an Argentinian activist focused on the fulfillment of human rights and community development in slums. She started her career working in TECHO, a youth-led non-profit organization that works in popular settlements to create a just society fighting poverty and inequality. She has more than 7 years of experience leading projects in the fields of housing, infrastructure solutions and community organization towards human rights fulfillment. The last project she coordinated was the National Slums Census, a public policy developed by various stakeholders to generate accurate and official data of the existing slums in the country. Security, peace and development are interconnected issues and the Master’s programme will give her the opportunity to deepen the knowledge she possesses in these areas, in order to keep on working as a female leader advocating for the adoption of informed policies towards the social and urban integration of slums in Argentina and Latin-America.