3. Katsa Brenneman
Sponsor District: 5470
Host Club: Brisbane Planetarium, District 9600
Katsa was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Over a span of six years, in between backpacking trips throughout southern Africa and language integration programs in France, she graduated summa cum laude with degrees in sociology, philosophy, and global economics.
Her entire life she has been actualizing the dream to travel worldwide, widen her perspectives, and to seek challenges outside of her comfort zone. She recently returned from service with the Peace Corps in a little country in West Africa called Togo. There, she lived in a remote village called Kalanga working in areas of gender equality and education quality.
Rotary caught her attention when they authorized a boat shipment of thousands of indestructible soccer balls that she and her fellow volunteers were able to use in order to promote girls’ soccer teams throughout West Africa. Her local Rotary Club has been undeniably generous and tenacious in their commitment to international dialogue and development, and Katsa feels honoured to participate in this endeavour. She believes that significant and benevolent action is almost always the product of a well-informed mind, and hopes that she can continue to hone her knowledge of international peace and conflict resolution through her future education at the University of Queensland.