7. Wonder Mwadzichema (WonderSatiya)

Rev Wonder Mwadzichema is an ordained Baptist pastor and lecturer from Zimbabwe. He holds a Diploma in Biblical Studies from Rusitu Bible College; BA Degree Peace & Conflict Transformation (Major); International Relations & Security Studies (Minor) from Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya. He also holds a post-graduate Executive Certificate in Program and Project Monitoring & Evaluation from the University of Zimbabwe. When he joined the Rotary Peace Fellowship he was pursuing a Masters of Counselling Psychology at Daystar University and he will complete it after the Fellowship.

Before joining the Rotary Peace Fellowship, Rev Wonder Mwadzichema was involved in pastoral care in Harare and mining communities in Zimbabwe. He is affiliated to United Baptist Church in Zimbabwe and has over 10 years of pastoral experience. He lectures a Peacebuilding Course at Rusitu Bible College and Disaster Management Module. He also trains pastors, church and traditional leaders on conflict management skills as well as advocating for peace and justice in Zimbabwe. To concretize and advance his professional experience and efforts in Peace, Peace research, Peace education, Peace advocacy and justice in Zimbabwe, Rev Wonder Mwadzichema is registering Satiya Foundation. This initiative seeks to build capacity for leaders to manage conflicts and build peace. It also enhances church advocacy against GBV, community violence and for peace and justice.

By pursuing a Masters of Peace & Conflict Studies, Wonder aims to enhance his theoretical and practical knowledge in the field. This will capacitate him to promote a just and positive peace in Zimbabwe and beyond through peace research, peace education, peace advocacy, security and justice.

His professional and academic interests include peace research; peace education; peace and conflict analysis; conflict and post-conflict Mental Health & Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS); complex humanitarian emergencies and post emergence recovery; interface of psychology, religion and terrorism; church in humanitarian context; interfaith dialogue and ecumenical peacebuilding roles. He is currently pursuing a Masters of Peace and Conflict Studies (MPaCS) at the University of Queensland, Australia.