7. Samantha Murray — Canada

Samantha currently works for World Wildlife Fund Canada as a senior specialist in fundraising.

I am really excited to be surrounded by individuals who are looking to make a bigger impact, make the world a better place and look at things on a higher level.

I am excited to leave my Masters program motivated to go out into the world to challenge the status quo. I also am looking forward to discussing the non-profit world (particularly inregards to philanthropy & fundraising) with others around the world.

There is a bubble when living in Canada andit would be helpful to dive deeper into how power dynamics of those that donate money and those that use it affect those in other countries; I am really excited to be talking about these societal questions with the other Fellows in order to improve the non-profit and social justice world as a whole.

I have recently started working at the senior level at a non-profit and would like to continue on this career growth. I think, after diving into other aspects of the social justice world, if my path draws me back to the non-profit world, I’d love to act as an Executive Director for a small non-profit that focuses on access to human rights.

I think there is a lot of power imbalances in the philanthropy world between the global majority and the global minority, and I think I am in the unique place where I will have the education to adequately discuss these imbalances with wealthy individuals and be able to advocate for those lacking access to human rights in a dignified and powerful way. I’ve also loved my time at smaller non-profits and think that after gaining experience on other teams through this Fellowship and shorter-term career goals, I think I would be able to become a very well-rounded leader.