Class XXIII (2025-2026)
8. Kathleen Novelia — Canada/Indonesia
Kathleen currently works as an immigration and Settlement navigator - she supports employers and newcomers in rural areas via immigration program literacy and creation of community welcome groups.
“I never knew the word “community development” until the age of 24, and in many ways, I am a late bloomer in this field. This fellowship will allow me to play catch-up in terms of my professional training and build the credibility I feel I need to be taken seriously to make a difference in my country of origin, Indonesia. It will also allow me to have a portfolio of work that demonstrates my professional achievements and competencies relevant to employment in the peace, conflict and development fields. It will help build my own confidence for my peace-building ambitions. “A rising tide lifts all boats.”
I see this fellowship as the tide I need to lift me - as a way of gaining a robust international network, and mind-opening experiences from the current academic standards so that I can continue to be a catalyst to raise the Global Peace Index in all communities I will work in, especially in Indonesia. I am open to catch any career opportunity that might come my way after the fellowship.
Since I was offered a one-year position after a fiveweek research in Tanzania, I understand that the number of conferences, and field studies during the fellowship could potentially lead me to other opportunities. I strive to be able to work in food security through community economic development in Asia, especially Indonesia. Besides being free-spirited, if I need to come back to rural Nova Scotia for the time being right after the fellowship, I plan to work in policy by being directly involved in politics, specifically in municipal governance, or advocacy group.